
BlueBolt delivered 280 VFX shots as main vendor, for the Disney+ Original murder-mystery series Shardlake. BlueBolt’s work was focused on invisible world building environment work including a CG monastery, the principal setting for the story. Both the exterior and interior of Saint Donatus Monastery needed to be established in the opening scenes and revisited extensively throughout the series. BlueBolt’s challenge was to create a CG asset that was adaptable to the different filming locations across 3 countries including Kreuzenstein Castle near Vienna and Castelul Corvinilor in Hunedoara, Romania. 

Similarly, it was paramount to maintain an eerie look and sense of foreboding using mist FX elements, throughout plates shot on different days and locations. BlueBolt’s work also encompassed blood enhancements, mud and a Tudor era Tower of London DMP.




True Detective: Night Country